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Selection of Power Amplifier in TV Audio System

How to choose the right power amplifier when the TV is equipped with passive sound speakers?

Following on from the passive speakers mentioned in the previous guide to build a TV sound system, we will further introduce the selection of power amplifiers in the TV sound system.

In the previous video guide, we proposed a modification plan that can be accepted by most HIFI enthusiasts who want to improve the sound quality of the TV. There is no need to invest too much money, and buy a TV sound system using passive speakers at a price that most people can afford. So, today we will continue to introduce the selection of power amplifiers in this system.

Since it is used with passive bookshelf speakers, in most cases, we do not need to choose a very powerful power amplifier product. Amplifier products that provide appropriate power output are the cheap and good choice. Here, the choice of power amplifier needs to be distinguished according to different listening environments, mainly in the living room and bedroom.

Amplifier suitable for building a TV sound system in the living room

Since the living room space in the house is relatively open compared to the bedroom, when building a TV sound system for the TV set in the living room, we have a relatively large choice in terms of the volume of the power amplifier, and will not be affected by the size of the space. constraints.

Generally speaking, both class AB power amplifier and class D power amplifier can be used as the selection target. In terms of the volume of the power amplifier, the volume of the AB class power amplifier is slightly larger than that of the D class power amplifier. If you choose a class AB power amplifier, we suggest that it can be placed in a special power amplifier cabinet. Or it can be placed in a certain partition of the TV cabinet, but this solution requires the volume of the TV cabinet to be large enough, not all TV cabinets can accommodate a Class AB power amplifier.

If we choose a class D power amplifier, we can place it in any position that can be placed. Because of its relatively small size, generally speaking, it will not be restricted by space.

Since it is easier to place and layout the Class D power amplifier when setting up a TV sound system in the living room. So is there no obvious advantage in using class AB power amplifier? Of course not, because the market share of class AB power amplifiers is very high, that is to say, there are many products and types for HIFI enthusiasts to choose from, so we can buy some class AB power amplifiers with special functions. Amplifiers can enhance our listening experience while watching TV.

For example, for example, a HIFI enthusiast purchased a set of multi-channel speakers in the living room to use as TV audio. At this time, a class AB power amplifier with two-channel stereo upmixing and multi-channel surround sound can play a special role. Such a class AB power amplifier can convert the two-channel audio stream of the TV station into a multi-channel surround sound through an up-mixing algorithm, and then output it to a multi-channel speaker system. It allows HIFI enthusiasts to experience the sound field effect of multi-channel surround sound when watching ordinary stereo TV programs. Every time watching TV, it is like being in a professional movie theater, listening to the surround sound effects from all directions is also an intoxicating and yearning wonderful experience!

The advantages of the Class AB power amplifier mentioned above are also the weaknesses of the Class D power amplifier when used as a TV sound system. The main reason is that when consumers purchase Class D power amplifiers, they generally only have two choices in general directions. First, buy DIY Class D power amplifiers from shop owners on e-commerce platforms. These Class D power amplifiers generally do not have special sound field algorithm functions, and thus do not have the audio stream upmixing function mentioned in the appeal. The second is to buy Class D power amplifier products from regular manufacturers. However, the number of Class D power amplifier products launched by major manufacturers is relatively rare, and even fewer are integrated with audio algorithm functions. Even if you find related products, most of them appear as high-end products, starting at 50,000 to 60,000 RMB, or even more expensive.

After HIFI enthusiasts select specific power amplifier products, there is another detail that needs to be taken into consideration when placing the power amplifier. Because several audio cables and a power cable need to be connected to the back of the power amplifier, there must be openings on the back of the TV cabinet or other furniture where the power amplifier is placed. Otherwise, there will be no way to manage the cables, causing the entire TV viewing area to be messy, and it will also affect the feeling of watching TV or watching movies.

Whether you choose a class AB power amplifier or a class D power amplifier. The output power provided by both can generally meet the power requirements of bookshelf speakers. However, when purchasing, it is recommended that you look at the specific output power parameters of the power amplifier, so as not to buy power amplifier products with too low power. As far as the current power amplifier market situation is concerned, as long as it is a Class AB power amplifier product from a regular manufacturer, its output power can generally meet the needs of small bookshelf speakers. The power of some Class D power amplifier products that belong to the store’s own DIY may be relatively small, but the corresponding power specifications will also be marked on the product purchase page. As long as you pay a little attention when buying, you can avoid stepping on the pit.

Power amplifier suitable for building TV sound system in bedroom

If you are setting up a TV sound system in the bedroom, it is recommended to use a class D power amplifier with a smaller size and a more affordable price. In fact, some DIY Class D power amplifiers on the e-commerce platform can meet the requirements. With the passive bookshelf speakers mentioned in the previous guide, the overall TV sound system will be very practical and affordable.

The bedrooms of modern houses are generally not particularly large, so there is no condition to place a complete set of multi-channel speaker systems. Therefore, we think it is more sensible to set up a TV sound system in the bedroom and use Class D power amplifier as the first choice of power amplifier.

Class D power amplifiers are used with bookshelf speakers for TV sound, and there is another significant advantage, that is, very energy-saving. If the selected bookshelf speaker itself has a relatively high sensitivity, then the overall energy consumption performance of the sound system will be very good. It will even be more energy efficient than using the speakers that come with the TV.

Generally speaking, the total power consumed by the built-in speakers of the 10,000-yuan TV is also around 20 watts to 30 watts. The sound system (high-sensitivity bookshelf speaker + class D power amplifier) that you choose may have a total power of less than 10 watts. It can be said to get twice the result with half the effort.

As for why there is an appeal phenomenon. The main reason is that large-sized speakers cannot be used in the manufacture of TVs, but the manufacturers want to ensure the sound quality to the greatest extent, so they will choose low-sensitivity speakers. Some sound quality improvement. It’s a trade-off of energy consumption for quality. But the actual situation is that the improvement of sound quality is very limited, after all, the volume limit of the speaker is there.

Therefore, on the premise of having certain audio knowledge, choosing a sound system for your TV is a very worthwhile thing for HIFI enthusiasts to do. No matter in terms of sound quality and energy consumption performance, it will be greatly improved.

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